Wednesday 31 August 2011

Barn restoration - Part One

After about 3 years of ups and downs its finally looking like our Barn restoration project may be going ahead. A meeting a week or so ago saw the builders about to be instructed and it was all systems go.
Chris and I have a lot of work to do clearing out the sheds and finding somewhere to store all the 'junk' thats accummulated. Well Chris says its his toolshed workshop but really alot of it is junk!!Why do we keep all this stuff?
I have lots of plants and shrubbery to remove so that the building can be repointed, Im getting Dad down to help me with all that but goodness knows where everything is going to go.
The ugly bulk hopper for cattle feed has also had to be removed and that was yesterdays task. Chris's cousin Stephen and his son James came to take it away to their farm.
I couldnt resist taking some pics and wondering if I should label them Danger Men at Work!!

Monday 22 August 2011

Walking the dog

The recent spell of decent weather, along with aquiring Bess, has meant lots of long walks. This time of year its wonderful to be out and about and especially up on the moor.
The Heather is in full flower and looking beautiful and the views on a clear day are endless. Bess bounds around like a puppy with seemingly endless amounts of energy. Really cant say the same for me but I do enjoy it!!!

The top picture here is taken looking over Thruscross reservoir, and the bottom picture is looking down the Washburn Valley towards the farm which is too far away for you to quite make out.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Our newest family member - Bess

With great excitement I set off on Monday to collect my new best friend, and here she is!! This is Bess, shes 3 years old and just the best dog ever!!
I had considered getting a puppy but didnt think I would cope very well with poop and chewing and general madness until it was trained. This dog has been working as a gun dog at Cuckavalda Gundogs and has been expertley trained by Jack Peckitt.
Weve been out for walks and she stays at heel, she loves to dive into the River and have a swim around and she knows shes not allowed in the kitchen. We always leave the door open from the hall so she can see us but I just have to ask her to 'stay there' and she does!!! Its brilliant.
This afternoon she had a bath and a good brush and shes looking good!
Right now shes watching Friends with my niece Rachel!!