Sunday 5 February 2012

Lambing Time already!

It seems to come round earlier and earlier. Chris decided we should have some early lambs and released the tup for a couple of weeks last August. It was thought not many would be ready to be mated but it seems it must have been like a Club 18 -30 holiday as we have 130 due to lamb over these next two weeks!!!.
This little chap is a few days old now and bombs around everywhere. His favourite place to sleep is in the hay rack!
The Blue Faced Leicester Triplets were born yesterday afternoon and are all doing well with their Mum.
Yesterday it started to snow quite heavily and it looks like being around for a few days so I think these little chaps will be inside for a quite a while longer

Bess in the wars ...

Poor Bess has been in the wars this week. On Monday we went on a very long walk, as always her enthusiasm for walking running and charging about took over and before I could stop her she jumped over a barbed wire fence!!
The upshot of this was a visit to the Vet who kept her in as she had to have a general anaesthetic so that they could sort out the wound.
When I picked her up the poor dog looked very sorry for herself and had a great big cone on her head. Bess has bumped and crashed her way round all week and yesterday the cone could last no more as it crumpled into a heap.
Chris took charge, when I wasnt in view, and mended it with a roll of Insulation tape. What a mess. This morning it broke again and its now bound in blue tape too.
Goodness knows what looks I will get when she goes back to the vet tomorrow!!!