Last week I thought summer had passed us by with grey skies and cold blustery weather and on thursday the most torrential rain downpour Ive seen in a while. Sadly on the wednesday the forecast on TV was good so lots of farmers got busy cutting grass to try and make some hay and then the day after the foecast changed again!!
However yesterday was glorious, hot and sunny and absolutely great for the committee of Ripley Show.
Chris set off early as his task for the day was to be the judge in the sheep section for 'Any other native breed'. This comprised of classes with a mix of breeds in them as opposed to the normal one breed in a class. He judged Herwicks, Poll Dorsets, Hampshire Downs, Oxford Downs, Manx Lachtan and Leicester and Lincoln Longwools. Quite a variety to his day!!
I went along at lunchtime having serviced all my rooms and we had a lovely afternoon, catching up with friends and watching the various attractions.
All in all a good day!
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