The latest arrival to the Scaife Hall Farm family arrived on Sunday. This is Thomas, so called after the chap we bought him off!! Hes a Belted Galloway and is now with his 'ladies' and settling in well. At present hes not registered with the Society but the paperwork is being processed along with his hair samples for DNA testing.A bull can only be registered in the Herd book if it has no other white than the belt.
The origin of the white belt is unknown, but generally its presumed to come from cross breeding with Dutch Belted cattle. The Dun and Belted Galloway Association was formed in Scotland in 1921, and in 1951 the name of the organization was changed to the Belted Galloway Society and dun cattle were no longer registered. It also keeps and records pedigrees for Belted Galloways and oversees the registration of White and Red Galloways. Currently in the UK there is a thriving breeding programme overseen and guided by the Belted Galloway Cattle Society.

Betty says Hello!!!
Love the yellow earrings !